Difference between Near Miss, Accident and Incident
In this blog i will explain you Near miss, Accident and Incident (Definition and Difference) Near Miss A narrowly avoided accident. Or An unplanned event that did not result in any injury, illness or damage, but had the potential to do so. Near-misses are a subset of incidents where no one got hurt, but only by a pure stroke of luck. In a near-miss, someone was a hair's breadth away from getting injured. For example a group working on a scaffold and co-worker standing on the floor. Hammer slipped from his hand and fell near the worker standing on the floor. Neither hammer hurt/injured co-worker nor damage the property. So this is a near miss, if hammer may fell on the co-worker and injured him or damage property. But lets assume that was a drill machine then after falling down it might broken/damage. there is a damage so it is not a near miss. Accident An unexpected event which results in serious injury or illness of an employee and may al...